Monday, July 16, 2007

Attaining Personal Success

Welcome to Attaining Personal Success, a blog aimed at helping you, and me, the girl next door, and that guy across the street, to grow and move towards greater levels of personal success and satisfaction.

My aim in this blog is to share with you, and invite you to share with me, thoughts and ideas about how to live consciously, and deliberately, and how to move towards Marslow's highest peak - self-actualization!

Maybe you want to become a millionaire, or a president, or an opera singer... or maybe you want to be a better parent, friend, sister, lover, person... whatever your goals are, this blog is intended for you. There are no secret tips here, no hard and fast rules. I am not a guru, nor am I a master. I have not achieved self-actualization. I am an ordinary person, with dreams, and fears, failures and successes, virtues and vices... I am that person next door, that colleague in the cubicle two rows down, that nurse with the bright orange scrubs...

I am taking this journey with you. Your thoughts are valuable, share them with me.

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